Who We Are / Quem Somos
Especialistas em vácuo desde 1979 – Sistemas de vácuo com ejetores a vapor, condensadores de contato direto e de superfície. Bombas de vácuo de anel líquido. Aquecedores, termocompressores e unidades de água gelada sob vácuo.
Vacuum specialists since 1979 – Steam jet ejector vacuum systems, direct contact condensers and surface condensers. Liquid ring vacuum pumps. Heaters, thermocompressors and chilled water under vacuum units.
São Paulo – Brazil
Phone: 55 11 4152-5297
Skype: pauloteixeirajr
E-mail: torr@torr-engenharia.com.br
Can you help with vibration analysis on a Busch vacuum pump?
Hi Adam. I can only help you if you are using a DOLPHIN Pump, that is a liquid ring vacuum pump. I do not have too much experience with the other type of pumps they have.
Hello, this is kevin. sales director of CHINCO PUMP.
We make liquid ring vacuum pumps and system.
Our business partner Koerting AG Germany also make steam ejector system.
Can we communicate? I have added your skype.
Please add me on kevin.law012.
Ola Paulo. Parabéns pelo trabalho.
Você saberia me informar onde encontro o livro process Vacuum System Design & Operation, de James L. Ryan e Daniel L em PDF?